
佚名 次浏览






















Eight to the of your birth time into the state of the stem and , and your by the and of the five , as well as the and of the five . There are many types of in the Book of in China, among which the eight is the most of , which has been among . In , those who are in the eight have had in the court, such as Yuan and Li of the Tang ; There are also high-level folk , such as Xu and Shao from the Song . , not it as "".

As the goes, "one , two , and three feng shui", the term "" here to the eight , which is based on the eight birth date. The word "luck" here, from the of eight , to the eight great and the year ; The Eight Great Luck is every ten years to the main and , and is for ten years of luck, hence it is the Ten Year Great Luck; to the luck that flows like water, hence it is . Feng Shui, of , means one's the of or the and of feng shui .

What is the Eight of the Book of and

The Eight of the Book of , , the , the Kun , the , the Xun , the Kan , the Li , the Gen , and the Dui , are the of in the Book of .

The Eight of the Book of in the Book of and the Book of in the Book of are used to your . Of , life long are more , and the Book of here is only an and as a .

The Eight of the Book of for Life

The for the birth date eight of the of plum in the Book of : the sum of the of years and of the lunar birth date, by eight, and the is the upper . The of upper and the of hours by eight, and the is the lower . The upper and lower form your . Today's Shao is based on the of of the of . This is not used, and the of the of plum is still used, based on the of .

The 64 of the Book of 64 , , , life in , and the laws of a of the 64 . Each has six and eight lines, as well as 384 . these , one can the of all in the world and the of life.

The "64 " in the Book of are of two of eight . to a . ideas in the of yin and yang. It has a and on .

is based on a fixed chart such as a 's birth time to their life , while is a or based on a . and lots are of .
