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IF one could run tired, I don't think one would often want to do else. But there might be for , and it was a which made shout:
"I say! ! Look what we're to!"
And well he might. For now they saw them Pool and the Pool the high and, down the , of tons of water every , like in some and dark, green in , the Great ; and the of it was in their ears.
"Don't stop! up and in," , his a .
"It's all very well for him," said , but Jewel also cried out:
"Don't stop. up and in! Take it in your ."
His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next saw that he had into the Pool. And - him, with after , all the did the same. The water was not cold as all of them (and ) , but of a . They all found they were for the .
"This is crazy," said to .